Practitioners’ Network: General Assembly in Marseille

Rusconi had the opportunity to underline the significant role of the Practitioners' Network in the implementation of the Global Gateway, as technical assistance, consultative support and support in areas such as planning, feasibility studies, environmental assessments, monitoring and evaluation


14 May 2024

Reading time:

1 min

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The 17th annual meeting of the General Assembly of the Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation is underway in Marseille, the platform created in 2007 to encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices between European development agencies and reference institutions.

The appointment closes the French presidency and will mark the beginning of the co-Presidency of the Austrian Development Agency – Expertise France, in a crucial moment for the network, particularly in the perspective of animating strong, efficient and visible European development cooperation.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation was represented on the occasion of this appointment by Director Marco Riccardo Rusconi, accompanied by Paola Pancrazi, senior delegated cooperation expert, and by Giacomo Pides, AICS focal point for the network.

During his speech, Rusconi had the opportunity to underline the significant role of the Practitioners’ Network in the implementation of the Global Gateway, as technical assistance, consultative support and support in areas such as planning, feasibility studies, environmental assessments, monitoring and evaluation. The event also offered the opportunity to present the framework of its interventions to some of the Agencies with which AICS collaborates most intensely in Africa, as well as underlining the convinced position to further increase the volume of delegated cooperation.

During the Assembly, Director Marco Riccardo Rusconi had the opportunity to meet, among others, Director of FIIAP, Francisco Tierraseca Galdon, and the Director of GIZ, Reinhold Elges, being able to take stock of the activities of the Practictioners’ Network, the active partnerships in the framework of ongoing delegated cooperation projects and on the possibilities of collaboration in sectors and geographical areas of mutual interest.


Last update: 15/05/2024, 13:38