
Direttore AICS 16 Oct 2024

Codeway Expo: The Upcoming Edition of the Event

Codeway Expo 2025 will bring together a wide range of participants, including institutions such as the European Union and European Parliament, UN agencies, governments, ministries, regional authorities, local entities, chambers of commerce, universities, research centers, as well as businesses, commercial banks, investment funds, NGOs, and civil society organizations.

G7 Inclusion and Disability: Promoting Rights at the Core of Italian Cooperation

Italian Cooperation was among the first to adopt Disability Guidelines in line with the Convention's principles, ensuring that development cooperation efforts concretely improve the lives of people with disabilities.

Progetti 15 Oct 2024

Ukraine: Educational Hub for Students and Population Affected by the Conflict, Established with Italian Cooperation

This project is part of the Emergency Initiative aimed at supporting populations affected by the conflict in Ukraine and neighboring countries, with a total funding of €46.5 million from Italian Cooperation.

Active Learning to Implement Global Citizenship Education

AICS has supported the growth of this initiative by financing two key projects: the first, through the 2019 Global Citizenship Education (GCE) Call for Proposals, extended the Green School network throughout the Lombardy Region; and the second, through the 2021 GCE Call, brought the Green School model to four additional Italian regions (Lazio, Tuscany, Valle d'Aosta, and Sardinia, along with Lombardy).

Eventi 08 Oct 2024

Global Citizenship and Sustainability at the Center of the Interministerial Table for the Implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy

The Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), Marco Riccardo Rusconi, confirmed the Agency's commitment to promoting Global Citizenship Education, recognized as an essential element for building a sustainable, fair, and inclusive world.

Progetti 07 Oct 2024

Inaugurated the First Child Neuropsychiatry Unit in Niger

The pavilion was established within the framework of the project "Development of the National Mental Health Program in Niger," funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by MEDU (Doctors for Human Rights), in partnership with the National Mental Health Program (PNSM) of the Niger Ministry of Public Health and the Nigerien association Alternative Espaces Citoyens (AEC).

Progetti 04 Oct 2024

Italian Cooperation funds the Geosciences Laboratory at the University of El Salvador

This laboratory is the result of the three-year CASTES project, funded by AICS with 1.48 million euros and carried out in collaboration with the University of Palermo (UNIPA) and the "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti – Pescara (UNICH). The laboratory is equipped with cutting-edge instruments and technology for education and research in the geological field, particularly for the study of soils, groundwater, volcanoes, and seismic activity.

04 Oct 2024

Shifting Power With Partners: The Second Toolkit on Strengthening Civil Society in Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance

This toolkit serves as a practical resource to facilitate the application of the Recommendation's provisions, aiming to strengthen local ownership and leadership and to support civil society in partner countries as independent humanitarian and development actors. It particularly promotes more equitable partnerships between and within civil society organizations (CSOs).

Premio 02 Oct 2024

The award ceremony for the Bianca Pomeranzi Prize was held at the headquarters of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Rome. This initiative was created to honor and perpetuate the legacy of Bianca Pomeranzi’s extraordinary contributions to promoting women’s rights and freedoms at both the national and international levels. Bianca Maria Pomeranzi (1950-2023) was a prominent figure in Italian development cooperation and the feminist movement. She co-founded AIDOS (Italian Association of Women for Development) and served as Senior Gender Expert at the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pomeranzi also led the Local Technical Unit of Dakar for Italian Cooperation in Senegal and East Africa (2010-11), and was elected a member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The Bianca Pomeranzi Prize, now in its first edition, is awarded to graduates in Development Cooperation Studies who present theses focused on feminist and gender policies and practices in political, social, cultural, environmental, and economic fields. The award was presented to Lena Châtreaux for her thesis titled “Women’s Design of Alternative Spaces of Socio-Economic Existence. The Case Study of the Rotating, Saving and Credit Associations in the City of Louga, Senegal,” completed as part of her Master’s in Area and Global Studies for International Cooperation at the University of Turin. “It is an honor to receive the Bianca Pomeranzi Prize for both its history and the opportunities it offers,” said Châtreaux, adding that she is proud to be part of Oxfam Italy’s Gender Justice and Women’s Rights Program. Ugo Ferrero, Head of Communications and Institutional Relations at AICS, emphasized the agency’s strong support for the prize, recognizing Bianca Pomeranzi’s pivotal role in shaping Italian development cooperation’s gender equality strategies and actions. He stated, “Achieving gender equality is essential for social and economic development.” Marta Collu, AICS Gender Equality Officer, concluded the event by reaffirming the agency’s commitment to promoting gender equality in Pomeranzi’s legacy. She highlighted the importance of awareness-raising and training for AICS staff and partner organizations to improve project design and gender mainstreaming.

The Bianca Pomeranzi Prize, now in its first edition, is dedicated to graduates in Development Cooperation Studies who present theses focused on feminist and gender policies and practices in political, social, cultural, environmental, and economic fields.

Deputy Minister Edmondo Cirielli Chairs the Sixth Meeting of the Joint Committee for Development Cooperation 2024

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Edmondo Cirielli, chaired the sixth meeting of the Joint Committee for Development Cooperation in 2024, which approved a significant package of interventions totaling €531 million.

01 Oct 2024

The Coffeeprint of Tomorrow: AICS Participates in the Lavazza Foundation Event

After the invitation of the Lavazza Foundation, AICS (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation) took part in "The Coffeeprint of Tomorrow" event, held at the Centrale Nuvola Lavazza in Turin on September 30th to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Giuseppe and Pericle Lavazza Foundation. Today, the Lavazza Foundation is involved in 30 projects across 20 countries on 3 continents, benefiting over 180,000 people, aligned with the SDGs.

Progetti 30 Sep 2024

AICS Havana Launches the First Delegated Cooperation Program for Ecological Transition

The program has a financial allocation of 31 million euros from the European Union, with an additional 1.7 million euros co-financed by AICS, primarily allocated for technical assistance and management of activities. The program’s strategy focuses on promoting agro-ecological and sustainable energy transitions at the local level, while facilitating effective governance through the strengthening and synergy of public and private actors in the intervention areas.