High Seas Treaty

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation has been concretely involved in the sea and ocean sectors, through the promotion of initiatives that range from the creation of marine protected areas, fishing activities, support for local entrepreneurship and blue- economy, in compliance with the principles of environmental protection.


20 December 2023

Reading time:

1 min

Tartaruga nei coralli

The High Seas Treaty is a strategic agreement adopted by the United Nations in June 2023, after over 15 years of negotiations. The principal goal is to protect waters that do not fall under national jurisdictions and the related biodiversity, compromised by numerous human exploitation activities out of control of marine resources.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation has been concretely involved in the sea and ocean sectors, through the promotion of initiatives that range from the creation of marine protected areas, fishing activities, support for local entrepreneurship and blue- economy, in compliance with the principles of environmental protection.

The innovative aspect of the High Seas Treaty is the promotion of an eco-sustainable and integrated management of marine resources and areas, also through the key instrument of capacity building and the transfer of marine technologies to non-industrialised countries.

Last update: 21/12/2023, 9:06